Kingdom Workers


About Dominion Through Love – 
We aim to provide you with the Biblical truths and practical applications that will help you grow up into Jesus. We want to encourage you and to challenge you to be all that God intended you to be. Our motto is It’s enough to be Like Jesus.


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The world is a beautiful creation of the true living God, but in it, Satan and his fallen angels also live.  Satan starts strife, confusion, pride, greed, fear, pain and all the evilness that happens in this world, and the fact that we are all born with a sinful nature.  I turned from being a skeptical evolutionary doctor to a believer in Christ Jesus.  My life has been a transformation turned 360 degrees, and I now serve Him and dedicate my whole life to the LORD, Jesus Christ. “Whoever serves Me must follow Me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves Me.” (John 12:26).

Lana Vawser began her relationship with Christ in 1996, soon after which she started to understand and grow in her prophetic gifting both to individuals and the greater body of Christ.  From 2014 Lana has been featured regularly on The Elijah List, The Australian Prophetic Council, and occasionally in Charisma Magazine.  She has a heart to encourage the body of Christ and individuals in their walks with Jesus; deeper intimacy with Him; and learning to hear His voice. Lana operates in the prophetic and loves to share the heart of God with others. In 2009, Lana wrote the books titled “Desperately Deep,  “The Prophetic Voice of God”, A Time to Selah” and “I Hear the Lord Say “New Era”.

Jason Hanley

My family and I were ordained with John G Lake Ministries in 2003 and served for 16 years as Divine Healing Technicians.  In 2019, my wife Mylene and I launched Dominion Ablaze Ministries under which we have become missionaries to the Philippines and teach the healing message to people around the world.  I was healed of hydrocephalus at the age of 17 months.

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Meet Justin and Candace.  Justin was a drug addict for 14 years of his life. In 2018, in the middle of a Bell Tire parking lot, he surrendered his life to Christ and was miraculously set free from the addiction.  Candace followed shortly after.  Since the encounter with Jesus, they’ve seen their marriage restored, their family brought back together, and their entire lives completely transformed.  Now they use what the enemy meant for evil and turn it for good by sharing their story and helping others break free from the chains that keep them from living the victorious life Jesus paid for us to live.  The purpose of Kingdom Fire is to see the world experience the Father’s love through His sons and daughters, awaken people to the reality of the kingdom, and equip the saints with divine revelation and spiritual understanding.

Ben Patel

“We are just a simple missionary family with a big dream. Our dream is to spread the gospel and help the needy in every way we can. We have committed our lives to do just that. And through the grace of God, we wake up each morning to live for Him. We give out tracts and Bibles, donate clothes and food, visit hospitals and churches, and pray like crazy.

We started this mission 40 years ago and have worked in Russia, Poland, India, South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Swaziland, Namibia, Mozambique, and a few other countries. We have spent 20 years in Botswana. We have traveled all over South Africa, town to town, delivering the Good News.
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time…” 2 Timothy 1:9″


My desire is to bring people into the Gates of Praise and then into the Inner Room and the Holy of Holies. Praise and Worship in general has turned into an industry itself – where we praise Praise and worship Worship based on the sound and quality of production. My prayer is that we’ll always be on the cutting edge of God’s creativity (which is so massively vast) and move from a place of singing ‘nice’ songs on a Sunday to living a lifestyle of worship. Worship is a walk; a journey and should never be a once-off experience.  We need to take the ‘act’ of worship out of the box we’ve built around it for the past 2000 years. The expression of worship cannot be confined to our human definitions just as the creativity of Yahweh cannot be restricted by our control. By confining expressions of worship to a specific style, instrument or only songs written a certain way we sabotage a call to worship Him “in Spirit and in Truth”.

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Ruth 2:2 “Please let me go to the field, and glean heads of grain after him in whose sight I may find favor.”

Ruth2 is comprised of Linda Joubert and Jenie Knott-Craig.  They both played music professionally for many years and have since combined their talents for ministry and outreach.  They lead a woman’s ministry group in Glencairn, Cape Town and are involved in pastoring and teaching others. They go on ministry trips through out South Africa to churches, women’s groups, private organizations, prisons – in fact where ever God calls them.

The name of their ministry comes from the book of Ruth and chapter 2, verse 2 is their mission statement.

They share word, testimony and their music, which provides a vehicle for the Lord to minister into hearts and lives…’Loveline,’ one of the songs, written by Linda was born out of the loss of her sister and baby in a car accident and ‘ Be Still’, penned by Jenie was written during the Covid pandemic. They draw on many styles and influences and complement each other perfectly as Jenie is a lead singer and Linda has an amazing ear for backing harmonies. Linda takes the lead in playing and Jenie plays the bass line and other instruments on her keyboard. They happen to live in the same road in Glencairn as well!